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Apply for Preschool Discount Program program

Preschool Program (PP) is high-quality, evidence-based preschool programming offered by the State in partnership with a network of preschool providers, including both community-based providers and Public Schools. Since 2015, PP has helped prepare more than 6,300 children for kindergarten by developing pre-academic skills and supporting social-emotional growth.

Start an application

How to apply

  1. Collect your required documents

    In order to apply, you will need to submit a recent paystub, a valid driver's license or ID card, and a birth certificate for your child.

  2. Consider which locations will be accessible for your family

    Families will be offered discounts associated with specific locations. You will need to select which locations your child can attend during your application process.

  3. Plan for a call with the Preschool Program team after you submit your application

    After your application is submitted, the Preschool Program team will call you to verify your information. Please look out for that call 1-2 weeks after you apply, as it is essential to finish the process.

To access your application later, create an account

You can check your application status and quickly apply to other programs when you save your information in an account.

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